シャトー・コス・デストゥールネル [2019]750ml 【2019ボルドー】

  • 31,350
  • 税抜28,500
  • 配送料 あり
銘柄 シャトー・コス・デストゥルネル Chateau Cos d'Estournel
タイプ レッドワイン
  • 2019
  • 品種
    生産者 シャトー・コス・デストゥルネル Chateau Cos d'Estournel
    生産地 フランス > ボルドー
    容量 750ml





    生産地:フランス ボルドー サン・テステフ
    ぶどう品種:カベルネ・ソーヴィニヨン 74%、メルロ 23%、カベルネ・フラン 2%、プティ・ヴェルド 1%
    味わい:赤ワイン 辛口 フルボディ

    ジェームス・サックリング:99 ポイント
    CHATEAU COS D'ESTOURNEL ST.-ESTEPHE 2019 Thursday, March 3, 2022 CountryFrance RegionBordeaux Vintage2019 Score 99
    This is so aromatic with blackcurrants, black berries and raspberries. Pure fruit, together with coffee and nutmeg. Really fresh and clean with bright spices. Full-bodied, yet reserved and tight with fantastic structure. So long. This is a great Cos for the cellar. A real benchmark for the true character. Needs at least five or six years to open and come around. Try after 2029.

    vinous:98 ポイント
    98 Drinking Window 2029 - 2069
    From: 2019 Bordeaux from Bottle: The Two Towers (Feb 2022) The 2019 Cos d'Estournel is a deep, powerful wine. That has been true on both times I have tasted it recently. Readers will have to be patient. Those who can afford it will be rewarded with a towering, statuesque Saint-Estephe. With a bit of air the fruit starts to emerge, but this is a very reticent Cos that does not show the opulence that it often does in its youth. Gravel, smoke, incense, tobacco and dried flowers gradually unfurl over time, hinting at a very bright future. The 2019 is impressive. That's all there is to it. Tasted two times. - By Antonio Galloni on February 2022

    ワインアドヴォケイト:97+ ポイント
    Rating 97+ Release Price NA Drink Date 2027 - 2055 Reviewed by William Kelley Issue Date 8th Apr 2022 Source April 2022 Week 1, The Wine Advocate
    The 2019 Cos d'Estournel has turned out brilliantly, exhibiting aromas of minty cassis, sweet wild berries and wild plums mingled with hints of spices, loamy soil and potpourri. Full-bodied, broad and enveloping, it's polished and seamless, its ample chassis of fine, velvety tannin entirely concealed in its deep core of succulent, crunchy fruit. Beautifully integrated at this early stage, the last decade has witnessed a number of changes at this address, including a trend toward less aggressively late picking, cooler fermentations and elevage with fewer rackings and more moderate percentages of less heavily toasted new oak: in 2019, the results speak for themselves.

    Cos d'Estournel may neighbor Lafite-Rothschild, but its vineyards are very different, rising from the banks of the Jalle de Breuil-the small stream that divides Pauillac and Saint-Estephe-to a height of fully 26 meters above sea level. Cos's clay-gravel vineyards occupy the plateau on top, as well as straddling the slopes, scrolling round the hillside from the east-facing holdings overlooking Lafite to fully south-facing holdings that look out over the Gironde. It's surely this variety of expositions-as well as an average vine age of 55 years-that lend the wine its completeness and plenitude. Soil studies, undertaken in 2003, inform parcel-by-parcel farming and winemaking, as well as replanting, where Cos's important percentage of Merlot is gradually tending to diminish. The last two decades have witnessed considerable evolution: herbicides were banished and experimentation with cover crops began in 2002; a new gravity-flow winery was built in 2008; and winemaking and picking dates have evolved. In the past, the wines sometimes flirted with extremes; but in pushing the boundaries, sometimes one exceeds them. Today, harvest is a touch earlier than was the case a decade ago; fermentation temperatures are cooler and the wines racked less frequently; and percentages of new oak are both much more modest, in 2019 amounting to only 55% (mainly from Taransaud, Fracois Freres and Berthomieu) and, above all, much less heavily toasted. The result? Wines of greater textural refinement and more vibrant fruit flavors, with as much intensity of flavor and persistence as ever. I suspect, what's more, that today's more reductive elevage will see them age very well indeed. Proprietor Michel Reybier is surely proud that two decades of unremitting investment in quality are today consistently delivering some of the Medoc's very finest wines.

    TERRADA WINE MARKET 1周年記念キャンペーン 期間:2020年3月5日~4月15日
