カベルネ・ソーヴィニヨン [2018] 750ml / Cabernet Sauvignon

  • 499,950
  • 税抜454,500
  • 配送料 あり
銘柄 カベルネ・ソーヴィニヨン Cabernet Sauvignon
タイプ レッドワイン
  • 2018
  • 品種
    生産者 スクリーミング・イーグル Screaming Eagle
    生産地 アメリカ > カリフォルニア
    容量 750ml





    業界で一番影響力があると言われたワイン評論家ロバート・パーカー氏が、この1992年のスクリーミング・イーグルに99点を付けたことが発端でした。その後、スクリーミング・イーグル1993年が97点、1994年が94点、1995年が99点、1996年が98点、そして1997年が100点満点を獲得し、ナパ・ヴァレーで最も入手困難なワインとして世界中のワイン・コレクターの垂涎の的となります。2000年のオークションでは、マグナムボトルに50 万ドル(当時で約5300万円) の値が付き話題となります。



    現在はJonata やThe Hilt のオーナーとして知られるStan Kroenke(スタン・クロンキー)がオーナーです。ミシェル・ローランをコンサルタントに迎え、2012年ヴィンテージからは、親日家で花火職人の資格を持つ若き天才ワインメーカー、Nick Gislason(ニック・ジスラソン)が醸造を担当します。


    スクリーミング・イーグル カベルネ・ソーヴィニヨン
    生産地: アメリカ カリフォルニア ノース・コースト ナパ
    原産地呼称:AVA. OAKVILLE
    品種:カベルネ・ソーヴィニヨン 77%、メルロ 15%、カベルネ・フラン 8%
    味わい:赤ワイン 辛口 フルボディ

    ワインアドヴォケイト:100 ポイント
    Rating 100 Release Price NA Drink Date 2025 - 2065 Reviewed by Lisa Perrotti-Brown Issue Date 6th Nov 2020 Source November 2020 Week 1, The Wine Advocate
    Medium to deep garnet-purple colored, the 2018 Screaming Eagle soars out of the glass with vibrant notions of ripe blackberries, black cherries and fresh red and black currants plus wafts of licorice, candied violets, cedar chest and clove oil with a beguiling touch of sea spray. Medium-bodied with jaw-dropping elegance, the palate is finely textured and yet built like a brick house with a super taut backbone and exquisitely knit acidity. The intense black and red fruit flavors are accented by layers of mineral and floral notions, finishing with incredible length and depth. Undeniably stunning.

    “I loved it!” winemaker Nick Gislason told me when I asked him for his thoughts on the 2018 vintage. “Everything is just really perfumey with a lot of verve and a lot of freshness. It’s a wholesome vintage, if that makes sense? The canopies were big and healthy; there was a lot of life in the vineyard. After 2017, it felt like the bloom that comes afterward.”

    He went on to say, "We made a little 2017 red. Only four barrels of the Cab! Ten barrels of The Flight. Only from grapes that came in before the fires?mainly Merlot and a couple of blocks of Cabernet."

    Whereas Screaming Eagle is mainly sourced from Cabernet Sauvignon grown on the western side of the estate, there is one plot of old Merlot (1980s plantings) on the eastern side of the vineyard that continually makes the backbone of this Second Flight/The Flight. This is planted on very gravelly, well-drained soils. Gislason explained, “The Cabernet Sauvignon for The Flight is always about being fresh, light and perfumey, without the firmer tannins that Cabernet can sometimes give. There is a ‘fresh’ end of the property that this tends to come from. There is some other Merlot on the other side of the property that doesn’t have the acidity, perfume or brightness we’re looking for. We don’t use this in The Flight.”

    vinous:98+ ポイント
    98+ pts Screaming Eagle 2018 Screaming Eagle Oakville, Napa Valley Red wine from United States Drinking window: 2026 - 2043
    The 2018 Screaming Eagle is fabulous. Cabernet Sauvignon is so expressive today. Cr?me de cassis, lavender and spice open first, followed by sage, lavender, rose petal and a whole range of more floral and savory notes that convey freshness as well as energy. A wine of total class and sophistication, the 2018 is a knock-out from the very first taste. There is an exoticism that I find especially alluring. Antonio Galloni. Tasting date: December 2020

    TERRADA WINE MARKET 1周年記念キャンペーン 期間:2020年3月5日~4月15日
