Barolo Bricco Roccheワインの商品一覧

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    • チェレット バローロ ブリッコ・ロッケ [2016]750ml

      • 28,600

      • 税抜26,000

    • タイプ
      Red wine

      イタリアワインの王者バローロの頂点と讃えられる名畑ブリッコ・ロッケからの世界的な名品。芳醇、優雅、厳粛、華麗...赤ワインに求められるすべての美質を一瓶に凝縮したような見事な味わいです。 チェレットは、バローロ、バルバレスコ地区に多くの畑を所有。1939年、リッカルド チェレットがワイナリーの基礎を築き、現在は3世代目。ワインのみならずピエモンテの食文化を世界に発信しているワイナリー。 「ブリッコ・ロッケ」は、チェレットの単独所有畑。所有面積は1.46ha。ステンレスタンクで発酵、300Lのフレンチオーク樽で9ヶ月、オーストリア製の大樽で18ヶ月熟成。瓶熟12ヶ月。平均樹齢は約30年。ファーストヴィンテージは1982年。 調和したデリケートなエレガントさと力強い凝縮感の両方を兼ね備えたワイン。若さからくる花のアロマがチョコレートやトリュフ、スパイスの香りへと変化していきます。 CERETTO BAROLO BRICCO ROCCHE チェレット バローロ ブリッコ・ロッケ 生産地:イタリア ピエモンテ バローロ 原産地呼称:DOCG. BAROLO ぶどう品種:ネッビオーロ 100% 味わい:赤ワイン 辛口 フルボディ ワインアドヴォケイト:98+ ポイント ating 98+ Release Price $300 Drink Date 2025 - 2050 Reviewed by Monica Larner Issue Date 24th Jul 2020 Source July 2020 Week 3, The Wine Advocate These back-to-back vintages, 2015 and 2016, deliver knockout performances. The Ceretto 2016 Barolo Bricco Rocche has always been one of the benchmark wines in this revered portfolio. It offers a lovely bouquet that explores some of the more nuanced sides of Nebbiolo that veer into the realms of rose, ash, tar and smoke. These pretty little details frame a solid core of berry fruit, cassis and dried cherry. One of the most distinctive aspects of this wine is the mouthfeel, which manages to impart its power and length without subtracting from its profound elegance. Fruit comes from a 1.5-hectare site owned by the Ceretto family, with sandstone soils at 350 to 370 meters above sea level. This is a Barolo to remember-and save in your cellar. Roberta Ceretto and her family report that all the estate vineyards, since 2015, are farmed according to biodynamic and organic practices. This group of wines includes the second vintage Ceretto's newest addition, the Barolo Bussia, with fruit from a tiny parcel in Bussia Soprana measuring less than one hectare. The excellent vineyard holdings of the winery now include Bricco Rocche in Castiglione Falletto, Cannubi San Lorenzo in Barolo, Brunate in La Morra, Prap? in Serralunga d'Alba and Bussia in Monforte d'Alba. ジェームス・サックリング:95 ポイント CERETTO BAROLO BRICCO ROCCHE 2016 Wednesday, August 5, 2020 CountryItaly RegionPiedmont Vintage2016 Score 95 This is an understated, subtle Barolo, framing rose-water, preserved lemons and orange peel, against a backdrop of fresh coriander and parsley. Medium-to full-bodied with finely grained tannins and driving acidity, which carries this long. Integrated, linear and polished. Drink from 2024. vinous:96+ ポイント 96+ pts Ceretto 2016 Barolo Bricco Rocche Castiglione Falletto, Piedmont Red wine from Italy Drinking window: 2024 - 2041 Ceretto's 2016 Bricco Roche is creamy, ample and wonderfully inviting, especially for a young wine. Silky tannins and plush fruit meld so well with the wine's mid-weight structure. Sweet rose petal, red berry, mint, blood orange and cedar are some of the many notes that open up with a bit of air. The 2016 captures all the elegance and finesse that are such signatures of this Castilgione Falletto site. Antonio Galloni. Tasting date: November 2019

TERRADA WINE MARKET 1周年記念キャンペーン 期間:2020年3月5日~4月15日
