シャトー・レヴァンジル [2019]750ml 【2019ボルドー】

  • 33,000
  • 税抜30,000
  • 配送料 あり
銘柄 シャトー・レヴァンジル Chateau l'Evangile
タイプ レッドワイン
  • 2019
  • 品種
    生産者 シャトー・レヴァンジル Chateau l'Evangile
    生産地 フランス > ボルドー
    容量 750ml


    メルロの果実味をカベルネ フランで下支えした、美しいスタイルのワイン。


    ラ・コンセイヤント、ペトリュス、ヴュー・シャトー・セルタンなど、ポムロル地区の数々の輝かしいシャトーに隣接しているシャトー・レヴァンジル。レヴァンジルの歴史は18世紀半ばにまで遡り、1741年に「CH.FAZILLEAU」という名前で設立されました。その後、幾度か所有者を変えた後、1957年にルイ・デュカス氏が購入。デュカス家は当時、霜害により荒廃していた畑の再建と、レヴァンジルの名声を取り戻すことに貢献しました。 1990年にドメーヌ・バロン・ド・ロスチャイルドが所有者となり、それ以来、セラーの改装などを行い、ますます品質が向上。実質的にはペトリュスやラ・フルール・ペトリュスと比較しても、 遜色がないと言われているシャトーです。

    また、 市場に出回る数が少なく見つけ出すのも難しい、稀少なワインとしても有名で、サン・テミリオン地区のシュヴァル・ブランとも境を接しているという好立地は、右岸好きならずとも気持ちが高まるシャトーなのです。

    ポムロールとサン・テミリオンの境界に位置しており、砂利混じりの粘土・砂質土壌に22haの畑を所有しています。醸造はラフィットの技術責任者エリック コレールの下、伝統的な手法でワイン造りを行っています。メルロによる果実味とカベルネ フランの骨格やフィネスが共演する偉大なワインです。熟した果実香が豊かで、静けさの中に深い奥行きを感じさせた口当たりも重厚です。

    生産地:フランス ボルドー ポムロル
    原産地呼称:AOC. POMEROL
    ぶどう品種:メルロ 83.5%、カベルネ・フラン 16%、カベルネ・ソーヴィニヨン 0.5%
    味わい:赤ワイン 辛口 フルボディ

    デキャンター (ジェーン・アンソン):98-100 ポイント
    From the very first moment your nose approaches the glass you know something special is happening. Seductive, rich, mouth-filling to the point that you really understand what that means. Just pops out of your mouth, with evident density of luscious blackberry and brambled raspberry fruit but also vertical climb through the palate. Violet notes marry with baked earth, grilled liquorice, tension and seduction. Highest level of Cabernet Franc in the blend in recent history, and first time that they have used all of the Cabernet Franc available in the vineyard - also first time to have this touch of Cabernet Sauvignon since the Rothschilds arrived at the property. Have I tasted a better l'Evangile? Certainly not at this stage, and one of the very few wines in 2019 that I can say without question approaches a perfect score. I don't give 100s at En Primeur but this is off the scale delicious, and I already can't wait to taste it in bottle. Decanter(5/2020)

    ジェームスサックリング:(97-98) ポイント
    Monday, June 29, 2020 Country France Region Bordeaux Vintage 2019
    Lots of black-olive, crushed-berry and wet-earth aromas and flavors. Full-bodied, yet polished with a very fine, velvety texture from the tannins. It’s long and structured with a blue-fruit and stone undertone to the palate. Some sage, too. More balanced than in the past. Extremely persistent on the palate. 83.5% merlot, 16% cabernet franc and 0.5% cabernet sauvignon.

    ワインアドヴォケイト:94 ポイント
    Rating 94 Release Price NA Drink Date 2027 - 2055 Reviewed by William Kelley Issue Date 8th Apr 2022 Source April 2022 Week 1, The Wine Advocate
    The 2019 L'Evangile is very good, wafting from the glass with aromas of cherries, sweet berries, warm spices, violets and loamy soil, framed by a nicely integrated patina of new oak that reflects a concerted effort to refine cooperage choices at this address in recent years. Full-bodied, rich and velvety, it's a broad, textural wine with a richly layered core of fruit, succulent acids and ripe, supple tannins that reflects the warm, dry vintage. As usual, it's a Merlot-dominant blend, complemented by some 16% Cabernet Franc and now 1% Cabernet Sauvignon.

    The 2019 vintage marks a period of transition at L'Evangile. Most obviously, it's the last vintage produced by Jean-Pascal Vazart, before Juliette Couderc and Olivier Tregoat took the reins at this Pomerol benchmark, sandwiched between the likes of La Conseillante, Cheval Blanc, Vieux Ch?teau Certan and Petrus. But it's also a waypoint in the life of the vines, fully 22 hectares of which have been replanted since 2001, and which now have an average age of 15 years. In warmer, drier vintages, canopies are being hedged lower to mitigate against excess sugar accumulation; systematic de-leafing is no longer employed; cover crops are protecting the soils; and a row of Cabernet Sauvignon is increasingly making it into the grand vin, traditionally a blend of more or less 80% Merlot and 20% Cabernet Franc. Attempts are also being made to rein in this wine's tendency to opulence: the 2019 already saw only 75% new oak instead of entirely new barrels, and the technical team is refining cooperage choices (80% of the barrels are made in house at Lafite), looking for more discreet toasts adapted to Evangile, and experimenting with amphorae and now a foudre. Of course, timing harvest is crucial, and more and more the vineyard is picked by soil type instead of by block. The 2019 l'Evangile already reflects some of these evolutions?just as it does the richness and maturity of which Evangile's Merlot is capable in a warm, dry vintage such as this?and it will be exciting to follow them to their conclusion in the years to come.

    TERRADA WINE MARKET 1周年記念キャンペーン 期間:2020年3月5日~4月15日
