ヴィエッティ バローロ ロッケ・ディ・カスティリオーネ [2019]750ml (赤ワイン)

  • 36,900
  • 税抜33,546
  • 配送料 あり
銘柄 Barolo Castiglione
タイプ レッドワイン
  • 2019
  • 品種
    生産者 Vietti
    生産地 イタリア > ピエモンテ
    容量 750ml





    「バローロ ロッケ・ディ・カスティリオーネ」は、マンダリンオレンジ、熟した赤い果実、バラの花びらやカモミールの複雑でエレガントなアロマ。フレッシュでバランスが良く、タンニンは良く溶け込み、シルクのように滑らかで丸みのある味わいのワインです。


    Vietti Barolo Rocche di Castiglione
    ヴィエッティ バローロ ロッケ・ディ・カスティリオーネ
    生産地:イタリア ピエモンテ
    原産地呼称:DOCG. BAROLO
    ぶどう品種:ネッビオーロ 100%
    味わい:赤ワイン 辛口 フルボディ

    VINOUS:99 ポイント
    99pts Drinking Window 2029 - 2049 From: 2019 Barolo: Back on Track (Jan 2023)
    The 2019 Barolo Rocche di Castiglione is all class. Deep and sensual, the 2019 once again shows how magical this site is. A Barolo with no hard edges and tons of sensuality, the 2019 is positively stellar. Silky tannins wrap around a core of bright red-toned fruit. The purity of the flavors is remarkable. Sweet floral and spice notes lend tons of lift as the Rocche gains in dimension with time in the glass. Resonant, expansive and sensual to the core, the Rocche will thrill Vietti fans. - By Antonio Galloni on November 2022

    ワインアドヴォケイト:99 ポイント
    RP 99 Reviewed by: Monica Larner Release Price: $250 Drink Date: 2026 - 2055
    For lovers of timeless Nebbiolo, the Vietti 2019 Barolo Rocche di Castiglione hits all its marks. Yes, Vietti makes beautiful Barolo from some of the best cru sites from across the appellation, but I confess a preference for this outstanding wine. Rocche di Castiglione has the home team advantage with vines located not too far from the winery that is nestled into the outer stone wall and urban fabric of the Castiglione Falletto village. This site is characterized by freshness, extreme precision (that always stands out), linearity, structure and balanced freshness. This naturally concentrated vintage also shows a juicy or succulent quality that is outstanding. Pretty mineral notes add to the balance and elegance. The vineyard site measures about one hectare. Rocche di Castiglione is an oddly shaped and elongated MGA with singular southeast exposures along a steep ravine, with Bussia to the west and Perno to the east.

    TERRADA WINE MARKET 1周年記念キャンペーン 期間:2020年3月5日~4月15日
