ヴィエッティ バローロ ラヴェーラ [2019]750ml (赤ワイン)

  • 36,900
  • 税抜33,546
  • 配送料 あり
銘柄 バローロ・ラヴェラ Barolo Ravera
タイプ レッドワイン
  • 2019
  • 品種
    生産者 ヴィエッティ Vietti
    生産地 イタリア > ピエモンテ
    容量 750ml





    「バローロ ラヴェーラ」は、魅力的な赤い果実、花、チョーク、ホワイトペッパーのアロマ。口に含むと熟したレッドベリーのフレーヴァーが広がり、快活な酸と引き締まったタンニンを備えたクラシックなワインです。


    Vietti Barolo Ravera
    ヴィエッティ バローロ ラヴェーラ
    生産地:イタリア ピエモンテ
    原産地呼称:DOCG. BAROLO
    ぶどう品種:ネッビオーロ 100%
    味わい:赤ワイン 辛口 フルボディ

    VINOUS:100 ポイント
    100pts Drinking Window 2029 - 2049 From: 2019 Barolo: Back on Track (Jan 2023)
    The 2019 Barolo Ravera is the most intensely mineral and saline of the Barolos. Crushed rocks, white pepper, flowers, orange zest, red berry fruit and bright acids all run through this finely sculpted, chiseled Barolo. Readers who enjoy Barolos of energy and tension will adore the Ravera. I have always had a soft spot for this Barolo. The 2019 is another magnificent dimension of Vietti's dark horse, a wine that over the last 10-12 years has routinely challenged for the crown here, and often won! - By Antonio Galloni on November 2022

    ワインアドヴォケイト:98 ポイント
    RP 98 Reviewed by: Monica Larner Release Price: $250 Drink Date: 2025 - 2055
    The 2019 Barolo Ravera is a wine of impact and power, and it is also a wine of the future. That's because Ravera (in the village of Novello) is one of the break-out sites that continues to awe and surprise despite a changing climate. Indeed, its high elevation and open panorama toward snow-capped mountains keeps the microclimate ventilated but also protected. Luca Currado affirms that Ravera is what Cannubi was just a few years ago. Wines from Novello also show an extraordinary but very unique evolution in which the tannic impact of the wine remains firm. This vintage shows deep intensity and good freshness. It fully covers the palate from front to back.

    TERRADA WINE MARKET 1周年記念キャンペーン 期間:2020年3月5日~4月15日
