アルド・コンテルノ バローロ・ロミラスコ [2011]750ml (赤ワイン)

  • 39,600
  • 税抜36,000
  • 配送料 あり
銘柄 バローロ・ロミラスコ Barolo Romirasco
タイプ レッドワイン
  • 2011
  • 品種
    生産者 ポデーリ・アルド・コンテルノ Poderi Aldo Conterno
    生産地 イタリア > ピエモンテ
    容量 750ml








    産地:イタリア北部ピエモンテ州バローロ東南部ブッシア地区 (DOCG バローロ)
    品種:ネッビオーロ 100%

    Poderi Aldo Conterno Barolo Romirasco
    アルド・コンテルノ バローロ・ロミラスコ
    生産地:イタリア ピエモンテ バローロ
    原産地呼称:DOCG. BAROLO
    ぶどう品種:ネッビオーロ 100%
    味わい:赤ワイン 辛口 フルボディ

    ワインアドヴォケイト:95 ポイント
    The Wine Advocate RP 95 Reviewed by: Monica Larner Release Price: $200 Drink Date: 2017 - 2035
    Dark garnet in appearance, the 2011 Barolo Bussia Romirasco is an exceptional wine with enormous energy and vigor that comes from deep within its core. It delivers a sense of intensity, clarity and momentum that is rare to find in this warm vintage. It is also a highly complex expression that shows a slow but very interesting evolution in the glass with dark fruit aromas that are fused seamlessly with spice, tarry resin and blue flower. This is a wine with big bones that moves with incredible grace and poise. I would recommend holding the bottle for at least five more years.

    At the conclusion of my tasting of 2011 Barolo, I concluded that the Bussia vineyard in Monforte d'Alba (with a smaller piece in the Barolo township) performed consistently better in the hot 2011 vintage than any other in the appellation. It is also one of the largest vineyards at 299 hectares, although it is divided into a half-dozen subsections that are farmed by a large number of producers. In general, Bussia occupies a higher altitude with vines planted from 210 and 460 meters above sea level. It boasts excellent exposures with mostly southern and southwestern positioning. These factors have greatly contributed to the quality of fruit in 2011. Higher elevations helped to keep the vines cooler during the hottest moments of the summer. Vines are also well established in this vineyard with extensive root systems that help guard against drought conditions. Of the various estates that farm Bussia, Poderi Aldo Conterno shows exceptional results with this set of new releases. Collectors looking to put aside a few bottles of 2011 Barolo should start here. Published: Jun 29, 2015




    ●熟成による色調の変化(白ワインは黄金色に、赤ワインはレンガ色に)や、香り、味わいが複雑に変化している可能性があります。これらは古酒の特徴です。 熟成されたワイン(古酒)ですのでボトルバリエーション等ございます。それをご理解頂いた上でのご購入をお願い致します。

    TERRADA WINE MARKET 1周年記念キャンペーン 期間:2020年3月5日~4月15日
